Wastewater Treatment

The Extended Aeration (EA) system is one of common Biological system used to treat domestic wastewater due to its functionality and simplicity.

RBC System saves up to 90% in energy costs. Among all known wastewater treatment technologies, RBC is the one that consumes the least amount of energy and has the smallest carbon footprint. A typical blower for an activated treatment plant with a capacity of 250-350 pe requires 4-5.5 kW. For a similar capacity plant, SENDI uses a 0.37 kW electric motor and a reduction gear to rotate the rotor at 3-5 rpm. That is all the energy required in the reactor part!

MBBR which is commonly known as moving bed biofilm reactor is a modern water treatment technology and process.
Unlike most traditional water wastage treatment systems, MBBR is a highly effective biological water treatment process which is based on a combination of biofilm media and conventional activated sludge processes. This way, water can be treated in both anaerobic and aerobic environments.
MBBR is currently the best water treatment solution for high-strength water systems. This is mainly because of the biological nitrogen removal (BNR), which uses MBBR systems thus improving waste matter quality and increasing treatment capacity with no extra footprint growth.

MBR waste water treatment system featuring the submerged MBR ultrafiltration modules. This system is engineered to provide a high quality effluent, treated to higher standards and suitable for a variety of reuse applications.
The fully pre-assembled and factory tested modular plant is supplied in an ISO shipping container format for ease of transportation. Primary and bioreactor tanks are open topped with safety railings around access points. Permeate pumps, aeration blower, dosing systems, monitoring and control systems are housed in a lockable control room located at the front of the plant.
The pre-programmed PLC system includes full process Monitoring and data logging functions. Full telemetry including remote control is available as an option. Package MBR is designed to require minimal operator supervision making it ideal for installation in remote locations.
Further we design and supply systems suitable to install in concrete tanks and in plant room as preferred by the client.

We offer a complete and effective range of Effluent Treatment Plants and solutions to enable recycling of wastewater, thereby reducing the water demand burden. Our comprehensive treatment solution works at various levels and involves various physical, chemical, biological and membrane processes. We Design, Manufacture, Supply, Erection and Commissioning Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) on Turnkey basis for various types and nature of wastewater, effluents which combine advanced physico-chemical treatment processes with tertiary polishing system for the removal of organic, inorganic, oil and grease, heavy metals, residue of pharmaceuticals & suspended solids.
Our systems include physico-chemical treatment, biological treatment, tertiary treatment and membrane separation process to achieve zero-discharge standards laid by the statutory authority.
We offer a complete and effective range of Effluent Treatment Plants and solutions to enable recycling of wastewater, thereby reducing the water demand burden. Our comprehensive treatment solution works at various levels and involves various physical, chemical, biological and membrane processes. We Design, Manufacture, Supply, Erection and Commissioning Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) on Turnkey basis for various types and nature of wastewater, effluents which combine advanced physico-chemical treatment processes with tertiary polishing system for the removal of organic, inorganic, oil and grease, heavy metals, residue of pharmaceuticals & suspended solids.
Our systems include physico-chemical treatment, biological treatment, tertiary treatment and membrane separation process to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) standards laid by the statutory authority.