Membrane Filtration

Reliable, economic and ecological to remove suspended solids in water. Access to water, in sufficient quantity and quality is key for drinking water but also for commercial and industrial applications. It is important not to waste water in case of water pollution. The ultrafiltration has low environmental impact on and minimizes the level of pollution when compared to other treatment methods. Sendi offers ultrafiltration with hollow fiber membranes, as alternative to multi media filters and related chemical conditioning.

A nano filtration has a pore size around 0.001 micron. It removes most organic molecules, nearly all viruses, most of the natural organic matter and a range of salts. Nanofiltration removes divalent ions, which make water hard, so nanofiltration is often used to soften hard water.

Brackish water is the middle ground between fresh water and sea water, it usually has a Total Dissolved Solids concentration (TDS) between 500 and 10,000 ppm. The Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis Systems Series (BWRO) are designed to provide high purity water under the rigorous demands of continuous operation and harsh environments. These are premium quality systems engineered to be the best the industry can offer. The brackish water reverse osmosis systems include an array of standard features making them suitable for most commercial and industrial applications. They are also available with optional operational and control features and ancillary equipment giving you the capability to completely customize your system. Whatever your high purity water application, the BWRO Series can be your solution. We offer the following pre-engineer systems however can customized your system based on your water needs.

SENDI Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) plants are designed to treat sea water, or high salinity ground water, with < 40,000 mg/L of dissolved solids (TDS) and < 30 mg/L of suspended solids (TSS), to achieve potable water quality. The standard treatment process involves pre filtration (auto-backwashing multimedia filters and cartridge filters), anti-scalant dosing to prevent membrane scaling, RO desalination and auto flushing and CIP systems for membrane cleaning. Additional pre-RO and post-RO treatment steps may be added as required to suit feed water conditions and/or treated water quality requirements.